
Saturday, April 07, 2007


Some shoe displays for you on Easter Saturday. Now, guess which pair I want the most, girls! Thanks for the tip about turning off the flash, Ruthie.


  1. I like the elegant gold shoes in the top pic and the strappy ones below.
    Did you buy any of them?

  2. Hi, Ellee. Not yet but watch this space1

  3. How fun! But they never look good in my size. And that reminds me...

    Size 5 British? According to this site, Welshcakes, you are an American size 7.

    Like I said. I knew you had TINY FEET.

    I shall not reveal the size of my feet, except to say that on me, swim fins are redundant.

  4. Wow, they are gorgeous! I love the top display, so elegant. But pointed toes and spike heels. I love the italian expression for that tacchi a spillo, makes me shudder thinking about it.
    I want that squishy red handbag which I can't see totally, but I know it's great.
    Well I take 9 or 9 1/2 so all my shoes are like boats.
    Thank you so much for posting that WCLC.
    I'll have to watch what they have here for Spring.
    Happy Easter

  5. Anonymous10:52 am

    These are views that would make my wife smile if she was standing in front of the windows.

  6. Anonymous11:16 am

    Last week, while I was only half-listening to BBC Radio 4, I half-heard some pundit say that men were incapable of seeing dirt in the house. Clutter they could see, but to dirt they were blind. It's a disability that comes of having a Y chromosome or something.

    In a recent post about shoes you mentioned kitten heels. I checked google to see what they are. It seems they are often found on mules. Mules? I googled on that. Kitten heels, stilletos, wedges, mules, pumps, court shoes. Good heavens. However do you women know all this?

    I suspect dirt-blindness and shoe-blindness must be related. We men just don't get it.

  7. OK, so which ones? The blue Campailla? How's your Easter going so far?

  8. look at all that money sitting there going to waste!

  9. The red peep toes?

  10. Grrrr...did you have to put up this post, Welsh??? ;)

    I'm drooling here!

  11. I want all the shoes in the third picture down.

    And the red ones on the top right hand corner of the fourth picture down.

    I think this is why I should never own a credit card.

    ludingtonian, "kitten" heels are tiny heels only an inch or two high. I think they're rather pointless because the entire point of wearing a heel is to make legs look longer, and a teeny heel doesn't quite accomplish that.

  12. Anonymous1:01 pm

    Mm Gorgeous! Enjoy your shopping spree when it happens.

  13. Hi again, Bonnie. Size 5 is the commonest foot size in Britain. I assure you it's not tiny! Jmb, agree - the bag is lovely, isn't it? Steve, you must bring your wife over here! Ludlingtonian, love the comment! Oh, how I miss R4! I think I've got a bit of dirt blindness too, but I've probably acquired it deliberately! It is a lot to take in, all those kinds of shoes, but then, I don't know stuff about car makes or electric plugs or anything. James, how well you know me! Close - I want the blue ones in the centre of the 3rd pic. Oh, and the white ones top left of the 4th, even if they do have kitten heels. C/u, would you like to take over my finances?! [Probably not!] Not the red ones this time, Liz! Sorry, Lee! Ruthie, I'm with you on heels! Shirl, I'm hiding my cards from me!

  14. Love the gold ones on the left at the front of the top photo
