
Tuesday, April 24, 2007


The complimentary plate of bruschette, arancino [mini rice-ball] and mini-sandwich I was served with my apéritif at the Altro Posto looked particularly inviting today, so I thought I'd share it with you.
Hard bread especially for making bruschette is sold in the supermarkets here, so all you have to do at home is grill or bake the slices , brush them with the best olive oil whilst still hot and add whichever pretty toppings you have created. A good book in English with ideas for bruschette and other antipasti is Lorenza's Antipasti by Lorenza de' Medici.


  1. What a lovely inviting plate .... got my taste buds going!!!! and with a Gin and tonic as WELL...

  2. It's such a nice idea, ie the munchies with the aperitif, that they serve in Italy. That is a particularly generous serving. I like bruschette a lot although I only ever make the one recipe. I never acquired the taste for arancini.

  3. Here I go again, Welsh...I'm sure you think I'm making up these stories, but I have "The Renaissance of Italian Cooking" by Lorenza De' Medici!

    There is a store up here on the mountain that sells great Italian's so tempting!

  4. Anonymous10:47 pm

    I can almost smell through the post.

  5. Hi, Anne. Yes, it was particularly pleasant with the g&t!
    jmb, yes, they excelled themselves today. Which is the recipe you use for the bruschette? I'll bet it's delicious. I could eat arancini till the cows come home - and do! Lee, I don't think you're making the stories up as I know you love cooking and cookery books as I do. What is your favourite Ital bread? Hi, Steve. Happy smelling!

  6. I could murder an arancino................

  7. Hi WCL - lovely to see your wonderful photographs again, especially having just returned from South of France where memories of similar fare are sorely missed. Watch out for a few pictures of my own coming soon ( later today if time permits!)

  8. It's the olive oil that makes it, my taste buds are really active now at the very thought of biting into these tasty dishes.

  9. Sally, glad you like them too! Hi, Lizzie. It sounds like you hada good time. Coming over to see your pics shortly. Agree, Ellee - it's the o.o.

  10. That is a very difficult question, Welsh! (I'll whisper....I like them all!) Don't tell anyone I said that!

  11. I had bruuschette for lunch today in a rather smart restaurant as a starter with fresh crab on top and served on a bed of leaves, including dandelion - very tasty.

  12. Hi, Lee. Me, too! I can't eat fish / seafood as you know, Ellee, but I'm sure that looked and tasted lovely!
