
Thursday, March 29, 2007


And finally, for tonight, a groan because earlier I listened to last night's Archers episode on the internet and have learned that the Eddie Grundy character is to attempt a "town cry" in Italian! I think I will have to stop listening until after this dire and painful event as I will not be able to stand it....

And a smile because Simi and I have just been for our evening walk and outside the greengrocer's the assistants are sitting on upturned crates tying together large palm fronds with coloured ribbon ready for Palm Sunday [when everyone here will carry one].


  1. Anonymous7:05 pm

    Well you must translate it into Italian and explain it to your hairdresser and friends.

  2. Anonymous7:26 pm

    I detest the Archers personally, as it makes everyone in the countryside sound incredibly thick. A recent-ish episode had a character [Clairy?] who was going to France for a weekend putting on the most dreadful school girl French accent, as though they would all have been too thick to pass an O-level in it.

    That said, I understand from the news papers that increasingly bizarre and contrived storylines are turning the hardened listeners off - so perhaps they should get 'back to basics'.

    That said, I would probably be more likely to start listening if there were more 'lesbian love triangle' type stories than the rather trite and condescending attempts to tell 'townie' types what the country is like, and failing rather miserably.

  3. Anonymous9:04 pm

    I wonder if there is an Italian version for radio...

  4. That's an idea, ellee. anon, I won't start again on "Archers" storylines or I'd be here all night. but I will say that when I got my net connection here [which, like everything in Sicily, takes time] it was a joy to hear those familiar voices again - even if I can't stand the opinions that some of them express.

  5. No, Ellee, no Ital version. My friends here think I am completely mad when I tell them about "The Archers"! [As you have pointed out before, the timing thing is wonky in the comments section but I'll have to wait till the computer man can come again to put it right!]

  6. Anonymous9:38 pm

    I'm not familiar with the radio series. You must really enjoy it...most of the time.

  7. Hi, Steve. Yes, I'm afraid I'm addicted to the programme, most of the time! I grew up with it in the background, you see.

  8. I don't know the programme to which you refer, Welsh, so I can't comment, but I take your word for it! :)

  9. Never watched the Archers although they do show it every day in Canada.
    But I just wanted to say how prolific you've been today. I'd swear it must have been raining except for the water tanker.

  10. Anonymous11:35 am

    WL -

    The comment about Palm Sunday reminded me that Easter is just around the corner. Odd how it slipped my mind.

    The conjunction of Easter and Italy made me think, in a roundabout sort of way, of 'Cavelleria rusticana'. That's something else I had forgotten about. I'll have to dig out the CD and have a timely listen.

    Thanks for the memory, so to speak.

    PS - Are you still having trouble with the timestamps on comments? Have you set the correct time zone in your blogspot setup pages? It would explain the problem if the time zone setting were wrong.

  11. Anonymous12:03 pm

    Hi Welshcakes, just want to say have a lovely weekend. I am going walking in the Forest of Dean, such a beautiful area.

  12. Ah, you have Easter soon. I'd lost track of western Easter.

  13. jmb, I think we must be talking about 2 different "Archers" programmes, as the Uk one is a radio soap. I have literally been listening to it all my life! I did have a more prolific day yesterday - dunno why! Hello, Ludlingtonian. Only when I saw the palms did I realise it's Easter next week! "Cav Rus" is so lovely, isn't it? Thanks for the tip - I didn't even know there WAS a timezone thingie on blogger! Ellee, buona passeggiata. James, when do you have Easter over there?

  14. Easter is coming! Hooray!

    My boys used to love Palm Sunday because of the fronds.

    Which reminds me... there can't possibly be an Anglican/Episcopalian church in Modica, can there?

  15. Bonnie, I haven't come across an Angican church but will check on it.
