
Saturday, February 24, 2007


At last I have acquired a telecomando - remote control thingummy - with which to open the barrier across our parking space. For those of you with RCL cars, I don't suppose this would be anything to get excited about, but it is a source of great joy to me that, next time the water lorry arrives while I'm in the shower [as it is wont to do] I won't have to rush downstairs, unmade-up and in whatever clothes I have managed to pull on, to open up manually.

I have been gleefully playing with this minuscule mechanical miracle all morning, opening and closing the sbarra from the balconies - because now I can! - and got some strange, though indulgent, looks from neighbours when I went out shopping later!

Incidentally, the arrival of the water lorry anywhere in the street still brings everyone out on their balconies, even at siesta time. I can understand that they want to know where it is going, as, indeed, I do myself, but they all stand there and watch the entire 15-minute performance as the water is piped into the selected cistern. I can only surmise that it makes a welcome break from Italian daytime TV!


  1. When Karen and I went on our honeymoon to Majorca, our Spanish tour guide lamented the big tankers coming to our Hotel "all day and all of the night, delivering the water..."

  2. Heh! You're just like my boys, playing with the garage door opener.

  3. Don't confuse your remotes now, Welsh! I have mine lined up on my bedside table...TV, vcr, DVD, set-top box...and my stereo one is nearby! I don't have others, but we seem to be controlled by controllers, these days...but in saying that, I'd hate to be without them!

  4. Anonymous12:13 pm

    I would quite like one of those remote control switches that opens the garage door, that would make life easier.

  5. Hi, Ian. Our lorries don't usually come at night, except in the summer when there is more demand on the system and they are short-staffed. But we are always relieved to see them! Yes, Bonnie, I fear it doesn't take much to fascinate me! Lee, I'll try not to! I don't have one for the stereo though.. Ellee, yes, they do make life easier.

  6. I can just imagine you running about pushing the button. Zap. Run to the next room. Zap.

  7. Anonymous11:24 pm

    Are you saying that you get your water delivered rather than piped?

    Wow. That puts a whole new perspective on my water bill!

    Does it make you use less water?

  8. James, it was good exercise! BW, hi, and yes, it gets delivered! We usually get 10 mc every 8 days for the whole condominio [5 floors, 5 families]. Usually that is fine but in the summer, when there is more demand on the system, things go wrong! It doesn't make me use less water as I'm arthritic and can't move till I've had a bath/shower in the morning but it does make you think of ways of conserving water: eg., in the summer I put a container on the balcony to catch the outgoing water from the air conditioner, so it can be used to flush the loo or whatever if the lorry doesn't come. I only ever drink mineral water and did so in the UK, so that is not a problem. If the lorry doesn't come, I use mw for cooking, too. The other thing it makes you do is keep some containers [bidoni] full for washing up/loo flushing, etc., just in case. I never thought about it in the UK - but it's quite something to live where you know you can turn the tap on and water just comes out!!

  9. Does it open other people's barriers too? Now that would be fun! As they were going out and closing the barrier, you could open it again. You could drive them mad! Tee hee. Sorry.

    WE bought a master controller that is supposed to work the TV, video and DVD but we've got a Freeview digibox too, and anyway, I never mastered it, so we still have all the controllers lying around.

  10. Anonymous8:15 pm

    Good question Liz.

    Hope you had a good weekend Welshcakes.

  11. Hi, Liz. Never thought of that! I'll have to try it during siesta!
    Hi, Ellee. Yes, thanks. I had a pleasant weekend reading, mostly.
