
Monday, January 22, 2007


I am so utterly gobsmacked with myself that I managed to take a video-clip [1st time, which will be obvious], edit out at least a load of garage shutters and some vulnerable, elderly people who came out of their houses at the wrong moment, join Youtube, upload the thing and get it onto blogger that, despite the poor quality, I am rather pleased with myself. I didn't dare fiddle around with it further! Oh, and I can't add music and all that and would be too afraid of copyright infringement to try even if I knew how. A mon cher lecteur mystérieux et francophone, c'est la première fois que j'aie essayé de réaliser un tel projet. Ayez de la patience, je vous implore!

Anyway, that is, more or less, what I see from the bus window on my way up here. Did you notice how the buildings become more modern as we climb? And did you see the little old lady with her duster to the glass door as soon as we passed? Some women here go about permanently armed with dusters, you know - I fear I am not one of them.

Next time I go down there, I'll show you the best part of the ride. Hopefully by then I'll be more adept at this stuff.

Buona serata a tutti.


  1. Love reading about Sicily..spent a week there for our holidays in Novemeber..have put some photos on my blog.

  2. Congratulations...I wouldn't know where to start!

  3. Anonymous10:01 am

    I've tried to view is a couple of times, but it wouldn't load. I'll try again later.

  4. Anne, you have lovely photos of Etna on your blog. Glad you enjoyed Sicily.
    Thanks, Lee.
    Steve, it seems to be click the button bottom ledt and then click the central one as well....

  5. Anonymous8:05 pm

    Excellent. I'm anxiously waiting for the Oscar level movies that I'm sure you'll be posting. I may have to buy a camera some day and learn how to do the same. I enjoyed the conversation in the background, even if I didn't understand it.

  6. You did a terrific job and I look forward to more videos! ~M

  7. Thanks, M! I'll try another one soon!
