
Monday, January 01, 2007


Linda's lasagne of ham, beef, pork, peas, mozzarella and parmigiano looked so appetising as it came out of the oven that I could only exclaim, "Blimey!" So as "Blimey lasagne" it [or "they", I should say, lasagne being a plural noun - once a teacher, always a teacher!] will, forever, be known.


  1. My goodness, WCL, I can't look at it. Now I have to go to the kitchen and cook up some ravioli, the closest I can get. I'm really serious - it's not just a comment. How on earth can you resist this lasagne? I'd not have strength to resist it whatsoever and I can only imagine the red wine.

  2. I like the look of that 'blimey lasagne'!

    I spent the first day of 2007 recovering from the last day of 2006! I wasn't motivated at all...I wonder why? ;)

    Friends invited me over to their home for the afternoon but I declined! I'll sneak up on 2007, I think! Hahahaha!

  3. That really does look delicious. I have never head lasagne like that with peas and ham and wow.. now I am craving it! lol Thanks! ~M

  4. Anonymous10:56 am

    Blimey Lasagne, that's nice. I bet it tasted as good as it looks.
