
Wednesday, January 17, 2007


- as served at the Altro Posto today.


  1. These are indeed delicious and the reason I say it is that we ahve a southern Italian [Two Sicilies] eatery here and little pies or tartlets like this are their speciality. Love them.

  2. Yum! I love those tarts. When I lived at Sunshine Beach...a wonderful coastal area north of where I live now, just round the corner from where I lived was a French patisserie that prepared wonderful, tempting pastries such as these. They also made the best Sacha Tortes and Paris-Brests. Needless to say, I became a regular customer!

  3. Hi Welshcakes, I've come over from Lee's.

    How lovely to be living on Sicily! Is it quite easy for foreigners to go there and live if they decide to do so? In this day and age, it's getting harder to get permanent residency in another country.

    I live in Australia, although originaly from New Zealand, and it's very easy for Kiwis and Aussies to live in each other's countries. After two years, we can apply for citizenship and it's usually granted with no problems at all.

    Most of the social services are reciprocated and people are deported rarely - it's usually for a major criminal matter.

    Anyway, I shall come back and read all about your life in Sicily.

  4. Anonymous5:40 pm

    Yummy! I'm not keen on fresh cream cakes per se, but fresh fruit tarts are quite acceptable.

    I'm on the Sicily Scene diet - I visit your site, enjoy the food piccies, and eat sensibly!

  5. Anonymous5:42 pm

    Yes, I think I would like the strawberry one. I imagine it's delicious.

    Let's hope this comment reaches you, have you switched off your comment moderation?

  6. Hi, Lee. That sounds a great patisserie! Paris-Brest cake - I can see it now!
    Hi, Shirl Nice to hear from you. Will visit you later. I should perhaps stress that I don't eat these every time! - I often go for the fruit salad or just fruit.
    Buona sera, Ellee. The strawberry one is lovely, yes. Haven't turned it off yet but I think I will do.

  7. Hi, P-in-B. yours was one of the comments I found days later! - Sorry. Interesting to learn about immigration there. If you are an EU citizen and want to live in Italy there is no problem in theory but there is a great deal of bureaucracy. It's harder for non-EU citizens but if you are skilled or are coming to work you should be OK. You have to wait 5 years for citizenship.
