
Thursday, December 21, 2006


These are pagnuccata, little balls of dough fried and covered with honey. Below, on the right, is torrone, a nougat of almonds, honey, cinnamon, sugar and vanilla. Long ago, the Arabs brought sesame seeds to Siracusa and when these are used, as on the left, the concoction becomes known as cobaita, or cubbaita in dialect, both words being corruptions of Arabic qubbayt. Many women make their own versions of all three delicacies.


  1. Anonymous4:05 pm

    Gives my sweet tooth a desire.

  2. Ah yes, we have a similar one to this cubbaita here. I'm thinking I need to get a camera and take shots of our concoctions but meanwhile, we can drool over these. Er ... not over these but about these. Well, actually, drool might not be the word.

  3. Ummm...I know what I'm going to be doing for the rest of the day! I'm inspired to make some Christmas goodies after those pics!

  4. The ones at the top, the ones at the top - I want the ones at the top.

  5. Glad you all like the look of them! James, I like those best, too!

  6. All of them look wonderful. My waistline is expanding just from looking at them!

  7. Yum Yum and YUM! We call the first one Struffoli spelling excuse me... they were my Mom's favorite we would melt the honey over them and add candied fruit and some sprinkles.... YUMM! ~M

  8. That sounds lovely, M. I'm always interested in how the same food can have different names from place to place. Your Mom's version with the candied fruit and sprinkles sounds yummy, too!
