
Wednesday, December 06, 2006


The hideously and inappropriately named "happy slapping" has arrived in Italy. There has been a conference about it in Modica and there was a TV debate on the subject on Sunday. In Catania a 16-year-old girl attempted suicide because of mobile phone pictures her former boyfriend had circulated. Opinion here is divided, as I guess it is elsewhere, between those who blame modern technological devices and those who think this is an inevitably updated version of the kind of cruelty that has always existed among young people. What do you think? And what can be done about it?


  1. Anonymous7:15 pm

    I think it is horrible and sickening, all you can do is hope it doesn't spread. I can't believe it is happening in Sicily too. I find it a very sad indictment of our society.

  2. I think it is just another way for bullies to exploite the week and helpless as for the girl why did she let him take the pics so both are to blame there but he should have shown some respect to her and deleted them

  3. Anonymous11:18 am

    So hard to teach a child that a bully is really a coward when the hurt and embarrassment is reaching such high stakes now. It is a wicked world and all we can do is love the ones we come in contact with. Obviously, the girl is better off without this boyfriend in her life...but she will need to be strong to realise that easily and with the necessary 'closure' needed to be whole. Bless her and all like her.

    As for him and all like him...just too sad and too mad. I have read that perpetrators say it is meant as a joke.

  4. Hi, Ellee. Yes, it is sickening and so sad that it is spreading even in this family-orientated society.

  5. I had to look "happy slapping" up! Hooray for Wikipedia!

    I've never liked pranks of any type, but these seem especially stupid, as the attacks are filmed and can be used as evidence in court!

    How dumb is that?

  6. Hi, Bonnie. Sorry, I should have put a link to a definition of "happy slapping". It's horrible, isn't it? - And, as you say, stupid.

  7. Children especially teenagers can be very cruel.. Technology only makes it easier but I am sure if not that there would be something else. It's just sad no matter how you look at it. It's a very common practice here in America especially with place like myspace where all the kids have access and it makes it easier for them to be cruel... Just sad. ~M
