
Tuesday, December 12, 2006


The Via Sacro Cuore gets festive and today I partake of chicken thighs and potatoes in olive oil and rosemary at the Altro Posto. [No, they don't pay me for mentioning them in this blog, in case you're wondering!]
Shops and businesses where you are a good customer are likely to give you a little Christmas gift here. Just now the doorbell rang and there was the lady from the computer shop - whose staff I drive crazy at least once a week with my queries and wails of "Help! I don't know how to....!!" - with a pretty package containing these delectable hand-made almond biscuits, among other goodies.


  1. Anonymous3:46 pm

    Just the photo has me drooling...wonder what PC World will bring round this year...

  2. Anonymous5:15 pm

    That's the beauty of living in a small community where your custom is vital to their survival, I doubt there is a PC World where Welshcakes lives, fortunately for her.

  3. Hi, Shirl and Ellee. Well, it does cheer you up when a shop does something like that, and, as you say, Ellee, they thus ensure your custom. There is a large electronics store here [and many others just outside Modica] selling everything from computers to fridges to espresso machines and I have found it excellent for some purchases. But when it comes to computer stuff, I prefer the nearby efficient, family-run shop. They know what they are doing and will always come and help when you need them.

  4. Wow!

    I think the Apple computer should pass out apple fritters! And I am their best customer!

  5. I'm sure you are, Bonnie! You tell them to make with the fritters!
