
Friday, November 24, 2006


This is what I look at when I am waiting at Raffaele's. I find it quite a calming scene to gaze at while I am having my roots done!


  1. Anonymous9:42 pm

    Absolutely stunning, I bet it is fun too.

  2. Anonymous9:48 pm

    Nice view. Is the hairdresser up on a hill?

  3. Hello, Ellee. Yes, it's fun sipping a complimentary espresso and looking at this. Steve, Raff's is at the top of a steep flight of marble steps. [Nearly everything is up a steep flight of steps or down a steep slope here!] That's another thing that Brits - and you could tell me if it would be the same for Americans? - might find strange here, ie., the fact that hairdressers, lawyers, insurance and other companies rarely have their premises at ground level; if you didn't look up, you wouldn't know they were there!

  4. It's better than the view from my hairdresser's: another row of shops in the arcade.

    I have a couple of tags to do - must do them soon!!

  5. Anonymous5:06 pm

    WL, I guess it depends on the city. New York is flat. San Francisco has lots of hills. Usually locations are for easy access to customers.

    With Etna acting up, it might be better to be located on higher ground. Just kidding.

  6. Steve, you're scaring me now! I am just going to write about Etna, as it happens.

  7. Yes, Pat, you be safe around the Lady Etna.

    Your hairdresser's view is much prettier than the view from my hairdresser's. I've got an appointment on Tuesday, by the way!

  8. Hi, Bonnie. No appointments system here. You just go and you wait! Liz, I miss arcades!

  9. This is why I will cut my own hair. Maybe when I have a view like that instead of silly hairdressars with poor attitudes and poorer skills I will pay to get my hair cut at a salon again! ~M

  10. M, I'm very impressed that you know how to cut your own hair! How do you do the back??
