
Tuesday, November 07, 2006


- or "bashed olives". This is Linda's treatment for freshly picked olives:

Bash the olives [not too enthusiastically] with a stone, rolling pin or whatever you have to hand. Don't do this near a clean wall or with your best clothes on as they squirt everywhere. [I have just found this out to my cost.] Put them in a plastic container, cover with water and add a handful of coarse seasalt. You should change the salt and water solution twice a day for 10 days. Then put them in vinegar and water [about a quarter vinegar to water] for 24 hours. After that, rinse them. They can be frozen in bags at this stage if you have a lot of them. When you are ready, put the olives in jars and add the flavourings of your choice - people here like to use chopped carrots, red pepper and garlic - then cover with olive oil.

So now I feel truly Sicilian as I've got a bucket of olives in brine on the balcony! [Linda says watch out for the magpies, who adore them at the vinegar stage for some reason.]


  1. Anonymous8:08 pm

    Bashed olives. That's something new for me. I guess they would be used in a salad or on a pizza or something else?

  2. Hi, Steve. They could be used in those ways but are more likely to be served on their own as an antipasto here.

  3. Anonymous12:06 am

    Sounds good.
