
Wednesday, November 15, 2006


... of hanging sheets on the balcony clothesline. Mine always get tangled around the line like this. The Italian women hang them straight down with very little material overlapping the inner side of the line and, surprisingly, they don't blow away. It's a matter of nerve, I've decided.

Years ago, in the Italian Alps, my best dress blew off the balcony line late one evening. I was quite frantic but, "Pazienza - we'll find it in the morning", counselled my Italian friends and we did. I don't fancy chasing my sheets down the main road here, though!

I don't have a picture of my neighbours' perfectly hung sheets for you as it would cause a lot of head-shaking and talk if I were to attempt to take one. They probably already think I am mad, having observed me photographing my own washing!


  1. Anonymous11:28 pm

    If anyone asks, tell them you want to be able to identify what is yours when it blows off. (grin)

  2. Anonymous2:34 pm

    I would really miss not having a garden to hang my washing. I would hate the idea of hanging my smalls in full public view of everyone.

  3. Nice one, Steve! Hi, Ellee. Well, most people here use a separate clothes airer for their smalls - you still put it on the balcony but it can't usually be seen from the road. Things do dry quickly on the balcony!

  4. Anonymous9:18 pm

    When you say smalls, I'm guessing your not taling about kerchiefs and socks. I'm an American and our English is a little different.

  5. Wait a minute... do the Italian women use clothes pins?

    I'd love to hang clothes to dry; it's cheaper and I like the smell. The sun gets the whites looking so nice, too.

    But our association HATES clothes lines. There are all sorts of rules against them. I wrote a letter to complain that the association was preventing us from using energy-saving devices but I never got a response.

    I'm getting ready to just set up a line, anyway.

  6. Hi, Bonnie. There are areas in the UK where you can't hang your washing outside, too. Here they would think that is mad. I agree with you: the smell of sun-dried laundry is so nice and fresh. Yes, the Italian women use clothespins - but so do I! Good luck with your line - well done.

  7. I didn't know there were places in the UK where you couldn't hang out clothes! That would be dreadful.

    Sometimes I sound like my grandmother, 'It's a lovely drying day today,' and I stick my nose into the clothes blowing on the line.

    Do you have to throw your sheets out over the line or does it come in?

  8. Hi, Liz. I have to sort of throw the sheets over the line then get the pegs in quickly if it's windy! I gave up sticking my nose in washing in the UK when the Cardiff Bay spiders arrived and started using my sheets for their abseiling activities! I do it here, though.
