
Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Woof, woof! Hello, everyone, this is Simi! My mummy didn't put a photo of ME on when she announced she was back so I thought I'd do it myself while she is having her lunch time gin and tonic at the Altro Posto. [She thinks I don't know what she gets up to over there!] I help her blog most days so I know what to do.

I had to go to kennels while she was in Britain - where we used to live - buying more books to stick her nose in instead of paying attention to me! I've been in kennels before but I did wonder what the Italian ones would be like. Actually, they were very pleasant and the food was good, as a dog would expect here! [Later, my mummy told me she had given them the best prosciutto to sprinkle on my meals.] I enjoyed playing with the man at the kennels: I learnt lots of Italian and he told mummy I had shown myself to be very educata [= well brought-up].

But I like having my mummy back, along with my nice, soft place to have a snooze.


  1. Anonymous10:03 pm

    You are so clever Simi! Beautiful too! Sending you a big cuddle. Keep up your blogging.

  2. Awe! Simi you are too cute! Sending you an eskimo kiss *(rubbing noses together) take good care of your Mum! keep checking in with us! ~M
