
Saturday, September 16, 2006


No ice cream today but here is the Altro Posto's tiramisù.


  1. Anonymous8:52 pm

    I'm not keen on coffee flavoured deserts, although I adore coffee. I do make a rather tasty Italian chocolate trifle which is very, very naughty, but really scrummy.

    I also make rhubarb lasagne, have you ever come across this? I wrote about it ages ago and had a very good response, can you get rhubarb in Italy?

  2. Hi, Ellee. Tiramisù is a dish that, when made well, is a dream but when made badly it is horrible. Your choc trifle sounds great. I have not come across rhubarb lasagne. Can I find the recipe on nyour site? We can get rhubarb here. 2 fruits we can't get in Sicily are raspberries and cranberries. I miss the latter at Xmas. I think you can get them in northern Italy, though, as the cookery magazines here feature them. So maybe they'll make it down here one day.

  3. Anonymous4:47 pm

    Here are my two posts on rhubarb lasagne. Funnily enough, if you just type this into Google, they come at the top. Do try it out and let me know what you think.

  4. Anonymous4:09 pm

    Did you get my comment yesterday with the recipe?

    No more posts or pics, but thanks for your visit, hope you are ok.

  5. Bring on the coffee-flavored desserts! Chocolate, too!

    I think I would grow to enormous proportions if I lived in Sicily. Yes, I think I would.

    I love cranberries, too, so that would be a hardship, not being able to find cranberries, especially at Thanksgiving in November.

    Can you get them canned, at least?
