
Saturday, September 02, 2006


September and you can tell it's autumn as Rafffaele the hairdresser has got his rugs back out, even though the temperature is still around 33 C [91 F]!

Soon the ice creams will disappear from the bars and restaurants: it is as if a great machine comes along and sweeps them all away at once, just as the Scirocco wind sweeps away the summer.

But here is a new combination which I tried at the Altro Posto yesterday - green apple [an experiment of theirs of which they are justly proud] and melon ice cream. Excellent.


  1. Sounds as delicious as it looks! M

  2. Anonymous5:23 pm

    I was recently in Tuscany and stopped off in a medieaval village which claimed to sell ice cream which had beenn voted the best in the world, it is supposed to be a genuine claim, do you know where it was? I can look it up and let you know if you are ever there. I also went to Corsica, but not Sicily, maybe one day.

    Thanks for calling by my site. I shall enjoy visiting yours again to keep up to date with your al fresco life.

  3. Hi, M. Glad you like the look of it.

    Hello, Ellee. Thanks for visiting. Yes, please do let me know the name of the ice cream village. I think I've heard of it but cannot recall the name. Do come to Sicily!
