
Friday, September 08, 2006


There has been a new development with regard to immigration on the island, according to an article [not available online] in La Sicilia today: North African agricultural workers in the Ragusa province are finding that they are no longer needed as workers from eastern Europe can be hired for less. Many of the North Africans have been here for years and have integrated but, like southern Italians before them half a century ago, are leaving for northern Italy where they hope to find work in restaurants or in the construction industry. In my opinion it would be a loss to Sicily if this settled section of the north African population were to leave en masse; they have publicly said that they are too busy earning a living and trying to integrate to go around manifesting hatred of westerners and this must have a stabilising influence.

On a related matter, a shocking article in L'Espresso tells of foreign agricultural workers on the mainland being treated like slaves. Thanks to Momoblog for drawing my attention to this. You can find an English version of the article here. Sadly I am not surprised at this, having read about the situation in Spain in Jason Webster's excellent Andalus.
Meanwhile, as I seem to report nearly every Friday, boatloads of desperate humanity continue to arrive on Lampedusa on these nights of calmer seas and bright moons. If you have not read my previous posts on this, I urge you to visit this link.


  1. This is such a sad story. Here in the United States a country built on immigration I just read that... those immigrants here illegaly will not be mentioned in a 9/11 Memorial.

    I have never heard of aything more ridiculous!

    I only wish we could all live happily with one another! More guests should mean more work and more jobs not the opposite!

    Hey what do I know?


  2. This is such a sad story. Here in the United States a country built on immigration I just read that... those immigrants here illegaly will not be mentioned in a 9/11 Memorial.

    I have never heard of aything more ridiculous!

    I only wish we could all live happily with one another! More guests should mean more work and more jobs not the opposite!

    Hey what do I know?


  3. Anonymous1:55 pm

    This is really interesting as it is a big issue in the UK too where we did not restrict the number of migrants with the EU enlargement. Bulgaria and Romania are joining next year and there are many fears about their workers coming here in droves. Of course, their labour is cheaper and they work hard and make lots of our people look lazy in comparison.
