
Friday, September 29, 2006


This is the season when you really do gain from being here. True, we don't get "golden autumn" but the past two days have been beautiful: hot, though not unpleasantly so and with gentle breezes. Last night I was able to sit up here with the balcony doors open until about 11pm. There was a fantastic new moon, too, and if you've been reading this blog all along, you'll know that that brings out the romantic in me. Today it was warm enough to sit outside again at the Altro Posto, without needing a jacket or jumper.

The clothes that hardly get worn here are my light rain jackets and long, summer-weight raincoat from Britain: when it rains, usually an umbrella is enough and if it pours, it is usually in winter, when I've got a heavier coat on anyway.


  1. It's the romantic part of Sicliy that you depict that keeps me falling in Love with it over and over again...


  2. Anonymous3:12 pm

    I hope you have a lovely man to share those special romantic feelings.

  3. I'm working on that, Ellee!

  4. Looking forward to a (hopefully romantic) holiday in Sicily with my husband, first 10 days of November. A much needed break now my nest is empty, and hope we'll be sitting on the balcony too until 11.00pm with a glass or three of something nice! Problem is, what do I pack? Is it still strappy tops and sandals weather or jeans and trainers? This English Autumn weather confuses the senses!

  5. Hi, schminx. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful break here. I've been in hospital so excuse the late reply. I should pack English autumny clothes if I were you. It can get very cold at night at this time of year but I have been able to lunch on cafe terraces as late as December. The Sicilian womwn are in autumn garb now, even though it still seems hot to us!

  6. Thanks for that! I hope the Sicilian Autumn is warmer than the English. It's pretty chilly here just now!

    Sorry to hear you've been in hospital. Hope it wasn't too serious and that you're recovering well.

    By the way, are you an EFL teacher? That's what I'm doing at the moment - in Nottingham.
