
Saturday, August 19, 2006


The temperature is expected to reach 45 C [113 F] today, as it did yesterday: there have been fires in the woodlands of Etna and in lovely Erice, in north-west Sicily, some villas and a hotel have had to be evacuated. Here in Modica grass and plants in public areas are rigorously and regularly cut down in summer; you can just be thinking how beautiful a plant is when - zoom! - along come the comune's cutters and it is gone - a necessary sacrifice to keep us safe.
This is definitely an afternoon for keeping the shutters closed and moving as little as possible!
The fruit juices available here are cooling, especially mirtillo [blueberry]; the owner of the nearby shop where I buy it says it is the quality of the sugar in the mirtillo berry which makes the drink so refreshing.

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