
Friday, June 09, 2006


The headlines here today are much the same as elsewhere in the world, I imagine: events in Iraq and the World Cup. In addition, four wounded Italian soldiers have arrived home in time for the funeral of another. [I cannot find the story online.] Whatever your feelings about this war [Prodi views it as a terrible mistake and Italian troops are expected to be withdrawn by the end of the year] you do think of the parents of the dead young man: how do you cope with losing your child and having to watch the return of survivors? And yes, I do know that hundreds of innocent Iraqis are being killed every day.

There has been yet another tragedy regarding a boat carrying clandestini [illegal immigrants], this time occurring because the boat was overloaded. It happened during the night just outside Maltese waters. It is believed that twenty-five people were drowned whilst sixteen were saved by the crew of a nearby fishing vessel. According to a later report, three of the sixteen have now died. The incident has mostly been reported sympathetically, with none of the "screaming" tone that you would find in certain sectors of the British press.
Finally, one to warm your hearts for the weekend: in Genova [Genoa] a St Bernard dog has adopted and saved the life of a baby deer. [Story unavailable online.]

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