
Thursday, June 01, 2006


Diary extract from 1.6.05
Copthorne Hotel, London Gatwick, UK

Today was a bit of a wash-out (in more ways than one!) to be honest. I’d intended to get the tourist bus around London or go on the river, but in the event did neither.

First I went into Central London again and made for Oxford Circus. My idea was that there might be an internet café where I could use Word for an hour to write my diaries up but I couldn’t find one. Walked up to Selfridge’s, which has been my favourite London store since I was a child, and visited the new food hall I had read about- it's to die for! Then I wandered into the accessories department and soon started wanting the Mulberry bags, etc., so came out quickly!

Made for the Strand and the hairdresser’s where I had made an appointment for 12. It was quite obvious to me that the sylist was untrained and I ended up looking like an old mop! What can you say? What satisfaction would you get from a young whipper-snapper like that? So I walked on and found a Toni & Guy place that looked more hopeful and had it redone. [If you are guessing that I am obsessed with having my hair look OK, you are right! ] All that had wasted a fair bit of time.

I then found, in a side street, a quieter internet café but the machine wouldn’t take my disc or let me use Word. Sent a few emails then gave up. Next door, however, was a branch of “La Tasca” so I went in and had tapas for lunch. Felt a little sad, thinking of all the times I’ve enjoyed myself in the Cardiff one.

Went and said ‘bye to Nelson yet again and even at that point considered a river cruise. But it was raining heavily and you do need a nice day for it. Besides, it was getting on for 4 so decided to come back here. So I am in the expensive “Lion d’Or” again, writing.

Have had calls from Martha and from a friend in France this evening. The latter is very encouraging of my adventure. Dear Linda and Marco have called from Sicily, too.

I of course phoned to see how Simi is this morning and was assured she is fine. But I’m so worried! Even now, the airline could refuse to take her: they would only do that if there’s a pressure problem or something, but I won’t be happy until both she and I are on that plane. My contingency plan, if there is a problem and they can't load Simi - and Airpets say it is unlikely- is to go to on to Modica anyway, as the taxi is arranged and everyone is expecting me; if it does happen, they won't be able to get Simi on until the next flight on Monday and I'll go back to Catania to collect her and pay another taxi for us both. But I'll be hysterical with worry! So praying tonight.
And tomorrow, folks, I'll tell you all about our arrival!

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