
Wednesday, May 03, 2006


This is what I am noticing on the fashion scene: trainers or semi-trainers with lots of gold and / or silver detail; bags and shoes in that brown "world map" pattern - this is everywhere, on lampshades and desk accessories, too - and culottes everywhere, worn with very high, thin heels.

I am keeping my eyes peeled for the moment when the Italian women do the cambio di stagione and change into their summer garb, for, although the temperature was 30 C in Modica Bassa today [and that's hot for a Brit!] the moment, it seems, is not yet, as it can still get cold in the evenings. They will know the moment.

But the elegant Eleanora, who always dresses a little ahead of the season, has already changed; she even has her tights off! Eleanora is one of the "sights" of Modica Bassa. [Linda's husband thinks she is about 80; I would judge her to be around 70; no one really seems to know.] She has rather alarming, dark red hair, swept up into a perfect coif, is tall and slim and I have never seen her in the same outfit twice. When I was in the little house in Modica Bassa, it was one of the things that kept me going: "What is Eleanora wearing today?" For she is always dressed in up-to-the minute fashionable clothes, usually with very high heels and beautifully accessorised bags. She is immaculately made-up, too. She makes her stately progress along the Corso between 12 and 1 pm every day. Today she was wearing a blue and white linen suit, skirt split to the knee, with silver sandals which had 6-inch heels no wider than a swizzle stick.

What a graceful and pleasant way she has found to grow old!

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